Learning Grove: Building Brighter Futures Through Partnership

GCF is on a mission to create a vibrant Greater Cincinnati where every person has a fair opportunity to thrive. Through trusted partnerships, we cultivate a spirit of generosity — one that embodies kindness, thoughtfulness and a deep desire to see our community reach its fullest potential. While we wear many hats, such as funder, connector and community partner, we can boil our work down to a simple truth: we exist to improve everyday life in our community.

Learning Grove, a local nonprofit that develops and supports innovative quality learning experiences, is a shining example of the many ways GCF engages with nonprofits and generous donors to transform our communities for the better.

Their vision is “a world where all children and youth reach their full potential and all families thrive” — a vision GCF is closely aligned with.

Support through grantmaking
As a funder, GCF supports Learning Grove’s multiple programs through grantmaking. In 2023, GCF made grants to the NaviGo College and Career Prep program and FamiliesFORWARD, both of which are part of Learning Grove’s cradle-to-career array of services.

NaviGo coaches work closely with students, families and schools to help youth prepare for the future and introduce students to new careers to close the exposure gap. Roseann Hayes, chief development officer at Learning Grove shared, “If you’re 16, you probably have a general idea of what a teacher does, or a restaurant worker. You know what your parents, or caregivers do. But do you know what an actuarial scientist is?” The program opens up a world of possibilities for students to dream big.

FamiliesFORWARD is a neighborhood-based resource center for students, families and communities. The after-school program provides homework help, leadership and conflict-resolution training, art enrichment activities and more for hundreds of students at four Cincinnati Public Schools. Parents and families also benefit from workshops, nutrition counseling, literacy classes and resource referrals.

Innovative solution to close the funding gap
The partnership between GCF and nonprofits often goes beyond grantmaking. Learning Grove purchased a building in Covington that housed one of its early learning centers and began to update both the indoor classrooms and the outdoor playscape. Like many construction projects post-pandemic, the renovation costs rose. Learning Grove needed support to complete the outdoor naturescape for the center and began looking at options to close the funding gap. GCF introduced the idea of impact investments — low-interest charitable loans that spark impactful community projects.

“The impact investment was the best way for us to get an infusion of $130,000 to complete the naturescape. Generations of children will benefit from this space. Thanks to the support and partnership from GCF and donors, we’re happy to provide 5-star-rated early care and education to families in the urban core of Covington,” said Shannon Starkey-Taylor, CEO of Learning Grove.

Bruce Hager, one of three GCF investors who funded the naturescape shared, “The impact investment made so much sense. Not only can these funds be leveraged again and again — but the children who use this naturescape will learn social play, finetune their motor skills and experience joy.”

There are so many generous hands at work behind the scenes building the ecosystem that serves the families at Learning Grove. It’s clear that through generosity, partnership and leaning into our unique expertise, we can all work together to create a brighter region — one that’s overflowing with opportunities and endless possibilities for every member of our community.

This story originally appeared in our 2023 Annual Report. Read the full report here.