Future Gifts

Include the charities you care for in your life story.

The causes you have supported during your lifetime are an important part of your story, giving the world a glimpse into what matters most to you. By making a future charitable gift with Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) through your will, retirement plan assets, life insurance or other future resources, you can continue your support of nonprofits/causes/charities you care about long after your lifetime.

There are many ways to make a planned gift. Our experienced staff of Philanthropic Advisors will help you create a customized solution. From naming your favorite organizations to impacting a focus area to including your heirs in your future philanthropy… Customizing the timing of your gift can additionally be contingent on certain events.

We recognize generous individuals have established funds or made plans to provide continuing support for the charitable organizations that care most about by inviting participation in the Foundation Society. This celebrated group has over 350 members, both named and anonymous.

Tell us if you have already named GCF in your estate plan or if you would like to work with one of our Philanthropic Advisors to customize a future gift solution for you. Call 514-768-XXXX or info@gcfdn.org.

Greater Cincinnati Foundation does not provide tax, legal or other professional advice. Wills, trust agreements and all other estate planning documents should be drafted by an independent attorney. GCF staff are available to assist attorneys when including a bequest to GCF in a legal document.