Growth – GCF Core Value

Each month, we reflect on a GCF value with our staff and spend some time thinking about how we intentionally put it into practice. This month, I was asked to share my reflections on the value of growth. Growth: We are always a work in progress. Growth is so important…

Meet Our New Governing Board Chair – George Vincent

GCF’s Governing Board provides a diverse community perspective critical to guiding our mission of making our region more vibrant and equitable for everyone. We value the insights, experience and dedication of all of our Governing Board members. In 2022, we welcomed our new Governing Board Chair, George Vincent, who has…

A Reflection from Delores

Maya Angelou said, “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver,” and that quote of hers resonates with me as I complete a rewarding two-year term as Chair of the Governing Board of GCF.  When I was asked to serve as chair in…

Staff Feature – Rasheda Cromwell

Meet Rasheda Cromwell, Senior Director, Community Strategies. Rasheda defines her role and highlights key components to make an impact in the community. “Beyond the grantmaking we’re also investing, educating, convening, bringing very different people together to have tough conversation to discuss unjust issues and collaborate how we can collectively solve…