You can count on us

Dear Friends, We are your community foundation, and our role is to lead the way in addressing the region’s most critical needs. I can assure you, we’re on it.  The COVID-19 pandemic will disproportionately affect our most vulnerable residents and the organizations that support them.  Many of our neighbors will…

Meet Michele.

Michele Carey, a native of Temperance, Michigan (just across the border from Toledo, Ohio), received her bachelor’s degree in English from University of Toledo. She and her husband Matt live in Mount Lookout; their son and daughter graduated from Walnut Hills High School and attend The Ohio State University. Share…

Greater Cincinnati Foundation Promotes Employees

Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) is pleased to announce the promotion of four employees and the expanded responsibilities of executive team members. As a community foundation, GCF aligns donor’s goals with the community needs, championing initiatives that make our region a better place to live. This new structure will allow GCF…

Best Gifts Given, Received: Our Staff Shares Favorites

In honor of the giving season, we asked our co-workers to share stories of the best gifts they’ve ever received — or given:   “Dancing with the Stars has been my mom’s favorite since its inception. We have watched the show together for the past 28 seasons! The first year…