So long, 2022: Important charitable tax planning reminders as the year winds down

Now is the time to share important reminders with your clients about year-end gifts. Time is indeed of the essence! Gifts of appreciated stock still shine Giving in a roller coaster market may continue to be a real concern for many of your philanthropic clients, but remember, not all stocks…

Five of 2022’s most-asked questions about QCDs

Qualified Charitable Distributions, or “QCDs,” are becoming a very popular financial and charitable planning tool. At the same time, QCDs are growing as the source of more and more confusion. Here are answers to the questions we’ve been asked most frequently this year by both advisors and donors. Be on…

How NFTs are connecting makers, investors and donors with causes they love

As if advisors didn’t have enough financial acronyms to explain to their clients—DAF, RMD, IPO and ETF come to mind—along comes NFT. Even under the shadow of recent turmoil in the cryptocurrency marketplace, “non-fungible tokens,” or “NFTs,” are still creating quite a buzz.  The IRS has not directly addressed the…

Maximize Charitable Impact and Tax Savings with Gifts of Privately Held Stock

For most people, charitable giving means donating cash with a check or credit card. You might be surprised to know that cash gifts can be the least advantageous from both tax-savings and charitable impact perspectives. Leave the cash in your wallet, and learn how you can donate appreciated assets or…