Proposed legislation: Is better deductibility back on the table?

Charitable deduction legislation ebbs and flows. Proposed reform efforts come and go, resulting in the occasional change to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code governing charitable giving. At the same time, popular charitable giving techniques evolve and grow over time, frequently creating new opportunities for your clients to support…

Turmoil in banking and technology: Optimism for charitable giving?

The wild ride continues! In the wake of Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, your philanthropic clients may seek your advice on how the recent events in the banking world could impact their approach this year to charitable giving. We’re sharing three factors to keep in mind as you counsel charitable individuals…

Giving a business to charity: Stack the odds in your client’s favor

High profile giving by donors associated with well-known businesses has maintained its place in the limelight, even amid recent market volatility and tenacious concerns about inflation and interest rates. Recent examples abound, including last year’s gift of Patagonia by founder Yvon Chouinard; the well-reported generosity of philanthropists Melinda French Gates…

Hidden no more: Designated and field-of-interest funds

Most attorneys, accountants and financial advisors are well-aware of donor advised funds and the reasons behind their popularity. They are an excellent way for your clients to organize their charitable giving and get even more connected to the causes they care about. Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) Your clients can give…