Disaster giving: Perspectives for your clients

Both the recent one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukraine conflict and the earthquake that has devastated Turkey and Syria are causing more and more people to explore ways they can help. In an era of abundant giving methods and also potential fraud, GCF is a source of reliability…

Three tax tips worth smiling about

Energy incentive extends to nonprofit organizations Nonprofits and other exempt entities are often left out of discussions when new tax incentives are proposed in Congress, primarily because these organizations don’t pay tax. Fortunately, nonprofits are not left out of a recently enhanced tax provision known as the 179D deduction, which…

Make this the year to help clients get organized

As you begin to ask your clients to pull together their receipts and other documents for 2022 tax filings, this may be a good time to take proactive steps to avoid being in this same spot next year. When it comes to charitable giving, your clients may find that organizing…

Client conversations: Why your 2023 agenda must include charitable giving

Applications for GCF’s Charter Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) Study Group are now open! Scroll to the bottom of this article to apply or learn more. Have you noticed far more articles in your newsfeed about philanthropy as a planning tool for your clients than it did just a few years…