Philanthropy as an Employee Attraction and Retention Strategy

  Whether you call it “The Great Resignation” or “The Great Rehiring” or avoid referring to it at all, everyone can agree that companies are having a tough time recruiting, hiring, and retaining talent in today’s job market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in October 2022[1] that the number…

Valuable conversations: Why it’s smart to talk with your clients about charitable giving

January is a good time to start helping your clients plan for their annual giving. With the year-end flurry of donations still fresh in many clients’ minds, you may discover that clients will welcome your suggestion to make 2023 the year to get organized early, particularly as economic headwinds make…

It just keeps getting better: Why charitable gift annuities are having a moment

Charitable gift annuities (CGAs) are becoming more attractive to philanthropists, making this planned giving vehicle a good fit for your clients who like the idea of an up-front tax deduction, a steady lifetime income stream and a remainder gift to charity. Now is a good time to consider talking with…

Celebrating the new Legacy IRA and a boost for QCDs

Congress passed the much-anticipated, $1.65 trillion-dollar omnibus spending bill known as the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (“CAA”) on December 23, 2022, followed by President Biden signing the Act into law on December 29, 2022. At more than 4,000 pages, the Act includes a wide range of provisions that impact…