Have You Talked to Your Clients About Donor Advised Funds?

Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF) brings together generous people, nonprofits and partners with the goal of creating a vibrant and opportunity-rich Greater Cincinnati. If you’re a professional advisor, GCF can partner with you to enhance the service and overall value you provide – helping your clients reach their philanthropic goals while maximizing tax savings.

While we offer many charitable solutions for your clients, a donor advised fund is the most popular.

When leveraging a donor advised fund, your clients can:

  • Suggest grant recipients, determine a giving schedule and, if preferred, choose anonymity.
  • Maximize their tax savings while creating community impact.
  • Gift stock, real estate or partnership interests in addition to cash.
  • Support their favorite nonprofits across the region or anywhere in the world, including giving to their capital campaigns.
  • Add to their fund’s balance at any time. Once a gift goes into a fund, your client benefits from a possible tax deduction at fair market value. Assets are invested and grow tax-free over time.
  • Support funding opportunities alongside GCF or other like-minded GCF fundholders to maximize impact and create a more vibrant community.
  • Create a legacy through family philanthropy.

GCF’s strengths as a local community foundation are highly valued by financial advisors, estate planning attorneys, and accountants. They see GCF as an advantage when it comes to addressing their clients’ current charitable needs and legacy planning.

As professional advisors, they tell us they value GCF’s:

  • Expertise in a wide range of tax-wise solutions that can be customized to fit a client’s specific financial plan and charitable intent.
  • Skillful use of family philanthropy tools to facilitate thoughtful conversations among family members that lead to creating an impactful giving plan now and for future generations.
  • Deep knowledge of community needs to connect clients with effective nonprofit organizations that match the client’s charitable passions.
  • Accessible philanthropic advisors who walk alongside clients on their charitable giving journey.
  • Opportunities to grow their expertise and influence through our educational and professional advisor networking events.

As your philanthropic partner, GCF can serve as an extension of your team, working with you to develop and execute your client’s philanthropic strategies. When you work with GCF, you are working with an expert philanthropic advisor who brings a wealth of philanthropic best practices and deeply cares about the tristate region.

Are you ready to discuss how GCF can be your partner in philanthropy? Call Michele Carey, CAP® at 513-768-6171 or michele.carey@gcfdn.org