Private Foundations

Private Foundation Services

GCF offers grantmaking and strategy support to Private Foundations. In addition to managing the day-to-day operations of your foundation, we leverage our role as a community convener and funder to provide the most current information on our community’s needs and opportunities to optimize your family’s philanthropic giving.

Examples of our services include:

Board Meeting Coordination & Support

  • Prepare board meeting agenda and schedules; send board meeting books prior to meeting
  • Act as recording secretary; prepare the minutes of the meeting
  • Board training
  • New board member orientation

Grant Management & Administration

  • Screening LOIs; advance to full proposals
  • Prepare grant summaries for board analysis and recommendation
  • Process award and declination letters; process grant payments
  • Maintain a ledger of all grant awards; track grants for reporting purposes
  • Field foundation funding inquiries; coach grant seekers

Recordkeeping & Reporting

  • Secure management of records
  • Report on historical grants, activity and proposed giving
  • Follow up on end-of-grant reports and present follow-up reports

Strategy Design & Focus

  • Measurement and evaluation of grant results
  • Representation on community collaboratives, task forces, etc.
  • Facilitate strategic planning sessions with foundation board
  • Determine mission, vision, focus, grant guidelines and funding strategies
  • Identify key areas of impact and ways to increase impact
  • Research current trends in key areas of interest and historical grant patterns
  • Convene dialogues on important community issues
  • Collaborate with other donors interested in same key focus areas
  • Board and/or organizational succession planning
  • Family philanthropy facilitation
  • Philanthropic learning opportunities

Accounting & Tax Preparation

  • Ensure stewardship of funds
  • Manage day-to-day financial operations
  • Interface with existing providers, such as accountants and investment professionals to:
    • prepare financial reports and legal notices
    • manage and file tax return (990-PF)
    • coordinate annual audit

Communication & Marketing

  • Create and distribute press releases
  • Website content/pitch stories to media
  • Sponsorships/advertising coordination
