Networking & Professional Growth
We are here for you. In addition to providing charitable solutions for your clients, we bring professional advisors together to learn and share ideas to grow their practice. GCF offers several opportunities for professional advisors, including attorneys, accountants, financial planners and wealth managers.
Bridge Builder Recipients
Since 2009, the Bridge Builder Award has been given annually to a professional advisor who has provided exceptional service to their clients and is recognized as a community champion and charitable giving ambassador at GCF’s Professional Advisor Network Event. We extend our deepest gratitude to each Bridge Builder for their outstanding commitment to our region.
Foundation Advisory Network (FAN)
FAN serves as a volunteer advisory committee for our work with professional advisors.
GCF Ambassadors
Thank you for introducing your clients to GCF!
Jeff Aylor Scott Barbee Bruce Berno Joel Brant Robert E. Brant Thomas J. Breed Jay Brinker Diane B. Brunn Robert Buechner Robert Bult Molly Buquo Anne Burney Christopher Bush Chirstine Buttress J. Aaron Byrd Catherine Cannon Dennis M. Carson Scott Cengia Michael Clark Amy A. Commins Stephen Dallas Jeffrey E. Daniher David DeVita Allison Doll Kelley Downing Tim Dumont Alan Eichner David W. Ellis III Sharon Elliston Janie Evans David A. Foster Tim Foster Jan M. Frankel Jenny Franta Thomas M. Gaier | Kathleen Galligan Scott E. Grosser Scott Gruner Lucas P. Hail Joel Handorf Daniel Hass Jeremy Haydon Mary J. Healy Denice Hertlein Daniel J. Hoffheimer Jon Hoffheimer Tricia M. Johnson Casey Jones Howard Kaplan Fred Keith William Kelleher Chris Kiley Emerson T. Knowles Margaret G. Kubicki Tom Lalley John Lame Jay Lange Patricia Laub Sheryl M. Linne Scott Litwin Tony Luckhardt Keith Lum Crofford Macklin Whitney B. Maxon William McCarthy Bernie McKay Kyle McLaughlin Anne Lame Megerle Donald Mendelsohn Douglas A. Meyer | Michael Miller William L. Montague Mark Motley Valerie Newell Chelsea Nichols David Nienaber Claire Parish Mark Patterson Alexandra Ollinger David Osborn Mary Ann Pietromonaco Nick Puncer Thomas M. Regan Michael J. Riley Joseph P. Rouse Thomas J. Ruberg Mary Rust Vincent Salinas David Singer Donna Sterwerf Johnathan Thornberry Daniel L. Torbeck Robert F. Uhrig Courtney M. Weber H. Patrick Weber John Whedon David Wilder Luke Wiley Kelly L. Wittich Deren Worell Brad Zapp
If your name is missing by our mistake, please contact us at
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Michele Carey, CAP®
Vice President, Philanthropic Strategies